Machine Learning with Digit Recognition

Digit recognition occurs when a machine learning tool can identify handwritten digits through different classification methods. The game suggests which digit was written after a user draws the digit themselves. […]

Teachable Mach​ine​

With Teachable Machine, one can train a computer to recognize their own images, sounds, & poses. The program allows a user to create machine learning models quickly. TAGS: Machine Learning

AI: Training Data and Bias Video

The most important aspect of Machine Learning is what data is used to train it. Find out how training data affects a machine’s predictions and why biased data can lead […]

AI Pacman

Turn your web camera into a controller using a neural network!

ORNL’s IBM AC922 Summit

The biggest problems in science require supercomputers of unprecedented capability. That’s why the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) launched Summit, a system 8 times more powerful […]